Same but different – another migration from Poland under scrutiny of CMR scholars

In this issue of CMR Spotlight, we would like to bring to your attention the research of three of our members – dƌ MiĐhał P. GaƌapiĐh, dƌ Kaŵila Fiałkoǁska aŶd Elżďieta Miƌga- WójtoǁiĐz oŶ the ŵigƌatioŶ of Roŵa fƌoŵ Poland to the UK. As the authors argue, given the unwelcoming attitudes of many towards the Roŵa, ͞to edžploƌe theiƌ liǀes aŶd hoǁ they deal with structural determinants is to study the society as a whole.͟

Author(s): Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz & Kamila Fiałkowska & Michał P. Garapich

YEAR: 2018

Type: Article

Initially published by: 

CMR Spotlight 4 (4), Centre of Migration Research, Newsletter

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