I have faith but I have no religion vs Being real Roma as Jehovah Witness

In the plethora of studies on post-1989 and especially the post emigration from Poland, Polish Roma migrants have been remarkably absent. Also only recently we can observe the growing interest in research of the religious life of Polish migrants abroad. Filling that scholarly gap we shed light on the religious continuity and change (conversions) of Polish Roma migrants to the UK. The “I have faith but I have no religion” and nominal belonging to the Roman Catholic Church represent the tradition and cultural norm, thus preserving the sense of community and continuity in the transnational setting. Becoming a Jehovah Witness from that perspective questions the intra-group cohesion, whilst some Roma claim that the narrow path they choose is a way of becoming a “real Roma”. The inevitable tension which arises translates into intra-group relations (i.e. resistance against traditional leadership or obedience to romanipen). Important are also aspects related to identity construction and sense of belonging(s), legitimisation of Roma representation, and social positioning both in Poland and the UK.

Author(s): Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz & Kamila Fiałkowska & Michał P. Garapich,

YEAR: 2018

Type: Article

Initially published by: 

Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw University. ResearchGate 

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