The primary objective of this research is to explore the inclusion of Roma feminist knowledge production and thus, the voices of Romani women at both the European and national institutional levels within Roma policies. By documenting the evolution of the gender perspective in National Roma frameworks and the theoretical knowledge generated by Romani feminists, my goal is to compare how these two aspects, intersect or don’t over time in the implementation of Roma policies. Hence, my aim is to provide a chronological analysis of how EU Roma policies have addressed gender issues throughout different time periods and overtime.
Considering that Roma policy frameworks are specifically designed to address Roma issues at European level — embodying political, economic, and social commitments that all EU member countries should implement —, in this context, it is relevant to explore the extent to which national governments have improved the political, social, economic, and security status of Romani women within their territories. This examination encompasses the period from the inception of the Roma Decade (2005-2015) to the implementation of the first EU Roma Strategy (2010 – 2020). This period will enable me to trace the trajectory from the establishment of the pioneering Roma framework at the European level (2005-2015) to the culmination of the first EU Roma Strategy integration in 2020 (2010-2020).
Alba Hernández Sánchez
YEAR: 2023
Type: Máster Thesis Dissertation
Initially published by:
Central European Library